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Wooden gift boxes made in NZ, helping a good cause

Wooden Gift Boxes
Shed Project workshop in Kāpiti

The majority of our wooden gift boxes are made by The Shed Project — a community space in Paraparaumu on the Kāpiti Coast, providing opportunities for people with disabilities. Pictured in the photo above is Sam who’s going great guns when it comes to making lids for our wooden boxes. He’s learning fast and doing swell… Go Sam!

Since starting our little business in 2018, The Shed Project have manufactured several thousand wooden boxes to use for your gifts, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without their help. Working with them contributes to keeping their organisation strong and provides training and employment opportunities for local disabled and disadvantaged people.

Reusable wooden gift boxes

We Love Local specialises in gifts showcasing New Zealand’s regions. You can choose between our ready-made gifts or corporate gift hampers using your own branding.

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