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Announcing We Love Local Auckland

Abundant Auckland Gift Box

We Love Local is expanding into Auckland, building on our hugely successful growth in the Wellington region.

Auckland is abundant with artisans and creators, producing delicious delicacies and tasty treats. From the Great Barrier to Waiheke Island and the mainland, We Love Local curates Auckland’s finest. We have hand-picked each premium product, working with passionate and local producers to showcase the best of the region.

This expansion will see us stock more than 60 local businesses across New Zealand, and feature new suppliers in our Auckland gift baskets like Man O’War Winery on Waiheke, Magnolia Kitchen, Earthbound Honey, Brothers Beer and The Tea Thief.

We Love Local Auckland

COVID-19 has accelerated Aotearoa’s appetite for locally made products. The Colmar Brunton Better Futures Report found 64% of Kiwis want to buy locally produced and grown products rather than imported ones. This was particularly evident over the Christmas period with significant demand for gift boxes from both consumers and corporate customers.

A big part of it is being local. With beer, it’s particularly important as it means freshness and flavour, as well as a small footprint. Having our brewery in a sleepy neighbourhood of Mount Eden, and our local neighbourhood brew bars, means we are continuously interacting with our consumers. 

I think 100% of Kiwis want to enjoy fresh, high-quality goods. When those goods are grown, made, brewed locally, and you know the people involved and know that they are investing back into your community, it just makes sense.

We Love Local Auckland Supplier, Anthony Browne, Founder of Brothers Beer

Backing your backyard made easy

We Love Local Auckland Gift Box

Our customers know our gifts are not just made in New Zealand but right in their own communities. It’s increasingly important to Kiwis to buy from their own backyards, and we’ve also seen large international corporates following suit because they also want to support businesses in Aotearoa. 

We’re excited to be in the company of brands we really love and respect. These are brands that have the same philosophies as us — especially around sustainability.

Kiwis respect other Kiwis for starting their own businesses — it’s that sense of the ‘can do’ and ‘will do’ attitude. We buy locally ourselves and support other local companies because we know how hard it can be to get off the ground and keep going. We have found that small companies in New Zealand want to support each other and share what they know – they’re not defensive or secretive but open and willing to help each other succeed.

We Love Local Auckland suppliers David Capstick and Ruth Wynne-Capstick, Founders of The Tea Thief

It’s an exciting time and we are very proud to be at the heart and helm of this new era of conscious consumption. We look forward to seeing ongoing demand for brands like ours, and our suppliers, that are prioritising purpose, people and the planet over profit.

Discover a new side to Auckland, one filled with the imagination and creativity of its producers, and order your Abundant Auckland gift box today.

One comment

  1. […] never been easier to support small businesses around Aotearoa in one single purchase. With our recent expansion into Auckland, we now stock products from more than 60 local […]

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