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Discover Our New Extra-Large Gift Boxes

Introducing New Extra Large Gift Boxes

We are excited to unveil our newest collection of extra-large gifts, showcasing the best of Kāpiti, Wellington, and an exclusive Best of South Island gift basket. These generously sized gift boxes are filled to the brim with a handpicked selection of premium products from exceptional small-batch producers across these beloved regions.

Tailored for families and offices, these gift boxes are ideal for bringing people together. They offer a unique tasting experience that celebrates the rich diversity of New Zealand’s local businesses. Whether it’s a token of gratitude, a birthday surprise, or a corporate gift, these extra-large options are designed to elegantly and abundantly cater to any occasion.

As Mother’s Day approaches this Sunday, consider seizing this perfect opportunity to indulge Mum with a standout gift. Our extra-large gift boxes are not just gifts — they’re an experience, a way to express heartfelt appreciation and make lasting memories.

Beyond Mother’s Day, these gift boxes continue to serve as magnificent choices for any upcoming celebrations or as thoughtful gestures to show someone you care. Dive into the richness of Aotearoa’s locally-made products and surprise someone special today. Explore our collection and find the perfect gift to share joy and craftsmanship, no matter the occasion.

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