Seeing the impacts of cyclone Gabrielle has been devastating, and our hearts go out to everyone affected. As electricity and internet services are slowly returning in the hardest hit areas, we’re now seeing the first pictures and stories emerging of how some businesses we work with are impacted. Here are some of them:
We are all ok. Chris, Oliver, Sofia and our puppy Barley made it after spending the night in the food. This was taken when we got rescued by 3 fellas on an inflatable boat.
Zeelandt Brewery — Hawke’s Bay
We lost 10% trees in the grove very thankful this was all.
Telegraph Hill — Hawke’s Bay

Well we certainly didn’t anticipate having to close on Valentines Day at our Matakana store. So far so good today, we have power and are cleaning up the puddles on the floor!
Honest Chocolat — Auckland
Our power lines are down, we are without running water and cellular data came back yesterday although it gives us only sporadic connectivity. We are not able to operate at present and unsure of when we might be up and running again. Rumour has it that we may have power by Monday but there is no guarantee until it happens.
St Andrew Limes — Hawke’s Bay
Showing your support for local businesses in affected regions is more critical now than ever! With the devastating effects of cyclone Gabrielle, many small companies cannot trade and will be unable to visit farmers’ markets for weeks.
So in an effort to help the best way we can as a business, we are launching a Cyclone Donation Care Package today with products from affected companies and regions, donating 100% of the profits to local charities involved in the response and recovery via The Good Registry.
We would love you to join us in supporting these companies who all have have been impacted by the recent weather events, either through our Cyclone Donation Care Package — even better with a Good Registry gift card — or by buying from them directly.
Your support is appreciated Timo and we’re grateful for the wheels of business to be moving slowly in our region. So much devastation and our landscape has been changed in our region forever. Hoping the fundraising from the Care packages reach those who really need it.